Siberian cedar Seeds Pínus sibirica Ukraine 2 seeds S0766 Gardener's dream
$ 1.65
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Here are Seeds of Siberian cedar
- 2 seeds !
Siberian cedar pine or Siberian pine (lat. Pínus sibírica) - one of the species of pine; evergreen tree reaching 35-44 meters in height and 2 meters in diameter bore. The maximum life span - 500 (some 800-850) years.
Siberian cedar is different thick, often MNV crown with thick branches. The trunk brownish-gray, scaly bark forms a fractured old trees. Whorled branching. last year's shoots brown, covered with long red hairs.
Needles are dark green with a bluish tinge, 6-14 cm long, soft, in the context of the three-edged, slightly jagged, is growing bundles of five needles in the bundle.
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Delivery: Ukraine Air Mail 10-17 working days.
Shipping the day after payment.
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